Welcome to Silsila Aalia Tawhidia
There are several branches of knowledge or sciences in Islam. All of which have been derived from the Quran, Hadith and Sunnah. Some of these branches of science include Science of Fiqh, Science of Hadith, Science of Tafseer, Science of Tajweed etc.

Sufism, also known as Tasawwuf, is also a science in Islam and one who seeks to acquire this knowledge is called a Salik, Mureed, Disciple.

Silsila Aalia Tawhidia is an order which helps truth seekers to  recognise and attain closeness to Allah (swt). Commonly known as Marifut and Qurb of Allah (swt). Treading this path develops the spiritual faculties of man for realisation of Divine Realities, the truth. Ultimately, one becomes a Friend of Allah (swt).

The order is committed to fostering universal love by preaching, inculcating and practicing islamic values in the tradition of Holy Messenger Muhammad (saw). To help people proactively live their lives in simplicity, truthfullness, love, respect, humility, service, patiance, contentment brought about through constant self accountability and reformation.

The aim is to free people of superstitions and misconceptions and fanatical rigidity of the rituals, and to encourage and assist them to shape there lives according to perscriptions of Quran and Sunnah thus enabling them to accept lives as a unique gift and revarding investment for the hereafter. To inculcate in the followers the spirit and the villingness for a total self-abandonement to ALLAH (swt).

To fulfill this objective one begins by taking Bai'at meaning "Oath of Alleginace" from one who has already travelled this path i.e a Friend of Allah (swt). They are also known by titles such as Murshid, Pir, Shaykh, Sufi Master, Saint etc.

Imam-e-Khawajgan - Khawaja Abdul Hakeem Ansari
The Founder of Silsila Aalia Tawhidia


Sultan-ul-Auliya - Khawaja Abdul Sattar Khan
Khalifa of Imam-e-Khawajgan

Shaykh-ul-Aarfeen - Khawaja Ghulam Rasool Shahid
Khalifa of Sultan-ul-Auliya